Rich Krafka Family Suffolks and Krafka Harkema Suffolks


VanDyke Suffolks 6002 RR/NN

Sire: "Saddle Tramp" Luxford 04-1256A

Dam: VanDyke Suffolks 326 509128, by "Elvis"
the great Buckeye Acres sire that produced so many good females that continue to produce. The granddam, Van Dyke Suffolks 154 is a daughter of Cloud Suffolks 836ET--from the flock known for big sheep with big gains.

Born 1/28/06 Twin


Santo is a big, heavy-boned ram that added more length and overall mass to our 2008 lamb crop, making them some of the longest-hindsaddled Suffolks you'll find anywhere. You'll appreciate the width of top and overall scale he added to his offspring. He's a gentle giant, too with an outstanding temperament, just like "Flawless" who sired so many great sons and daughters in our flock.

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