Proven performance
We put our sheep to the test in the toughest test of all--the National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP), the nation's largest objective comparison of sheep.
Our sheep and those great ram and ewe families they hail from typically rank among the very best in the entire Suffolk breed no matter how you measure them.
Our sheep are bred to look best slick shorn. We believe in breeding complete, correct sheep that are structurally sound, naturally long-bodied, straight-topped, and heavily-muscled.
Because we're dedicated to objectively measuring genetic progress and results, the beauty of our Suffolk flocks truly is more than skin deep. While purebred Suffolk producers value the natural Suffolk breed character and structural soundness our flocks possess, commercial producers also value the rapid gains produced by our sires and the outstanding females capable of raising multiple lambs for generations.
Customers report lambs sired by our rams reach market weight in substantially less time on feed, placing them in high demand by purebred as well as commercial sheep producers.

Any way you look at them, the genetics at work in our flocks set the pace for the industry and today's progressive sheep producers who want sheep that can maximize their return on investment producing more rapid gains in less time on feed in a sound, healthy package. The kind of rams that get down to business, settling ewes quickly. The kind of dams that have the natural capacity and mothering ability to raise multiple lambs, season after season. They do breed on!
© Rich Krafka Family Suffolks & Krafka Harkema Suffolks. All rights reserved.
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