King Kinser
Quam Suffolks 202 QR NN
Born 1/17/2002
The #2 aged ram in the Suffolk breed in post weaning 120-day EPD at +8.8 pounds and the 2002 National Junior Champion Ram at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale in Sedalia. This long-bodied much-talked-about ram turned heads where he was the 2002 National Junior Champion Ram at the world's largest Suffolk sheep event—the Midwest Stud Ram Sale for Rex Quam of Minnesota. "King Kinser" set a record for post-weaning weight growth in the National Sheep Improvement program as a lamb, and continues to lead aged sires with a 120-day post-weaning weight EPD of +8.8 as of the 2004 NSIP record run. As a great-grandson of the great George Brothers "Hershel" ram, his legacy runs deep.
Post-weaning (120-day) EPD +8.8
Weaning (60-day) EPD +3.8
Number born EPD: +2.4
Total maternal EPD: +1.2

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