"He's All Mine!"
Knapke 5698
Born 11/20/10
The Grand Champion Slick-Sheared Ram at the 2011 Midwest Stud Ram Sale, this natural fall born lamb sired by Knapke's "Fresh Squeeze" packs pounds of muscle into every lamb. Fresh Squeeze is a son of a powerful Ohio breeding combination from an Orwick sire and a Buckeye Acres dam. From high docks and strong tops to deep legs and long bodies, "He's All Mine!" offspring appeals to the eye, the touch and the scale. A rapid, aggressive breeder, he settled ewes quickly, easily and consistently producing vigorous lambs that look like peas in a pod in terms of correctness and consistency. "He's All Mine" was our pick at Sedalia and you'll be confident in picking out his offspring to add to your flock to pack tremendous muscle, meaty legs, excellent tops and high docks with lots of bone to boot to their offspring.

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