Krafka LG 1129-11 RR/NN SH
Born 2/3/11 Twin
Placing 5th as a ram lamb at the world's largest open class Suffolk Show, the Iowa State Fair, this big-boned, long bodied, smooth-made stylish buck produces offspring that excel in tremendous length of hindsaddle, bone and beautiful Suffolk breed character. Like all our sheep, he's big-boned and bred to look best slick-shorn, showing off his correct pattern and natural heavy muscling. His offspring continue to excite us and sheep breeders across the country. He's named "Windstruck" after the horrific storm that hit our Dysart, Iowa farm on 7/11/11. After extensive damage from 150 mph winds and softball-sized hail, we've rebuilt the farm and you can count on "Windstruck's offspring to help build or rebuild your sheep flock's breeding program, too.
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