Rich Krafka Family Suffolks and Krafka Harkema Suffolks

Krafka Harkema Suffolks

Today, Kathy Krafka Harkema manages Krafka Harkema Suffolks, one of the nation's elite flocks in natural performance and accelerated growth, bred with the skeletal correctness and natural muscling to look best slick shorn. The flock was founded with the purchase of top-performing ewes, as documented by National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP) records-the nation's largest objective measurement of sheep genetics and performance.

Kathy continues to share her expertise with young people, as a sheep judge, having judged extensively professionally for nearly 30 years. Today, Kathy serves as President of the Iowa Suffolk Sheep Association. She also served as Marion County Fair Sheep Superintendent, for one of the state's largest and most prestigious sheep shows for fifteen years. Today she continues to mentor 4-H and FFA members interested in gaining sheep experience.


The Krafka Harkema Flock and the Rich Krafka Family Suffolks flocks are long-time supporters of the Iowa State Fair FFA lamb carcass show awards, recognizing the value of carcass performance and rewarding young people for their efforts. In addition, the Krafka Harkema flock also sponsors FFA carcass awards for the Iowa State Fair sale of champions and youth scholarship fund.

As a charter member of the Howard Wyman National Lamb Feeders Sheep Industry School, and a sheep industry leader, Kathy has had the opportunity to interact with all types of sheep producers and feeders, putting that experience to work in raising the type of practical, sheep that today's progressive sheep producers desire.

The Harkema family was honored as the North Mahaska FFA's Agriculture Family of the Year in 2008, in recognition of their decades of leadership in raising and promoting leading livestock in sheep, cattle and horse operations.

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