Those words describe our Suffolk sheep.
Bred to perform and look best slick-shorn, so what you see is what you get. Results!
Follow us on @Krafka_Suffolks
It's time to get more bang out of your buck. Without sacrificing style, structural soundness or natural growth. And now you can. No fleece jobs or over-aging here. Just straight talk and proven results in customer satisfaction.
With Rich Krafka Family Suffolks and Krafka Harkema Suffolks, what you see is what you get - results. Another great set of aged ewes, rams and lambs are now for sale privately.
For two generations spanning more than 50 years in the sheep business, we've been raising stylish, structurally sound, quality Suffolk sheep known for their natural muscling and growth.
Put our genetics to work in your flock, to accelerate your purebred or commercial flock's performance and put lambs on the market at heavier weights in less time on feed. See for yourself. For productive, sound Suffolks that get up and grow naturally and look their best slick shorn, contact us for your replacement needs.
We thank those progressive sheep producers from Massachusetts to Maryland, Michigan, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Wyoming and many states in between who have supported our breeding programs with your purchases.
Rich Krafka Family Suffolks
2064 X Avenue
Dysart, IA, USA 52224
Krafka Harkema Suffolks
908 525th Avenue
Montezuma, IA 50171
Farm: 641-623-7200
Farm cell: 641-891-4381
For information on either or both flocks, click on the "Contact us" page.
© Rich Krafka Family Suffolks & Krafka Harkema Suffolks. All rights reserved.
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